We are meeting in person on Sundays at 9am and 11am
With the heightened awareness and public concerns regarding the spread of the coronavirus (COVID-19), we want to assure you that we are carefully monitoring this situation and are taking a proactive approach to ensure all church facilities are clean and safe because your health and well-being is our top priority.
We have already enhanced our cleaning procedures. This includes a comprehensive daily cleaning of all restrooms and high touch surfaces including doorknobs, toys, faucets, handrails, light switches, etc. In addition to our already extensive daily cleaning, our excellent paid & volunteer teams will clean thoroughly before, during, between and after each service. Our Kids classrooms and toys are disinfected after each service by our staff and volunteers. We are also providing hand sanitizers in visible places throughout our building.
We encourage you to wash your hands frequently and to refrain from simple actions such as shaking hands, hugging and touching your eyes, nose and mouth with unwashed hands. Cover coughs and sneezes with a tissue. Also, if you or your children are ill, please stay home and watch our services provided online here.
2 Timothy 1:7 For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.
Cleaning areas of focus:
High touch surfaces around the facilities including doorknobs, toys, faucets, handrails, light switches, etc.
Restrooms: doorknobs, commode handles, stall door handles
Our Kids classrooms and toys are disinfected after each service by our staff and volunteers
900 West Cafe: tables, chairs, counters and high touch areas, washing hands after handling money
We are also providing hand sanitizers in visible places throughout our building
In addition to our already extensive daily cleaning, our excellent paid & volunteer teams will clean thoroughly during, between and after each service
FAQ’s for Our Reopening STEPS
Q: Do we have to register to attend service?
A: As of April 6, 2021, we have paused our registration process to attend our worship services. We are requesting that regular attenders continue to support the service they have been attending to help us maintain physical distancing. We will still do our best to maintain physical distancing in our sanctuary. Once our sanctuary reaches capacity, our ushers and greeters will direct attendees to our overflow room. We recommend arriving early. Our sanctuary doors open 20 minutes before each service or once cleaning has been completed. We will keep our registration system in place in case we feel the need to continue registrations again in the future.
Q: What service times will be available?
A: We offer in-person services Sundays at 9am and 11am. We offer a live, online experience on Sundays at 9am. You may also watch our services on-demand. Click here to watch past services.
Q: Will I be required to wear a mask?
A: Masks are encouraged but optional. No one will judge you if you wear a mask or if you do not wear a mask. We just ask that we all do our best to maintain social distancing and avoid things like handshakes, hugs and high-fives temporarily.
Q: What about my kids?
A: Our Kids ministry is currently offering services for kids on Sundays at 9am and 11am and Wednesday nights at 7pm. Masks are encouraged but not required.
Q: How will GWC ensure a safe space for my family and I?
A: We will be using medial grade disinfecting chemicals between every service to disinfect our chairs. We will also be regularly cleaning all door handles, restroom fixtures and we will offer hand sanitizing stations throughout the building. A thorough cleaning will take place before each and every service.
Q: When should I arrive for my scheduled service time?
A: We recommend arriving 20-25 minutes prior to the scheduled service time you plan to attend. We will need time between each service to sanitize the building. Arriving too early may cause congestion and prohibit our teams from effectively cleaning. We ask that throughout this season that all congregants move outside to socialize and mingle at the conclusion of each service so that our teams have plenty room to properly clean the building before the next service.