Thank you for wanting to learn more about our Give It Away campaign!

Last year, our Senior Pastor felt led to sow our “First Fruits” offering, which we typically receive for a vision-related purpose, into our local community. We set a goal to give away $50,000 as a church to various other churches, non-profit organizations, families, and individuals, and we were able to give away over $75,000.

This year, our leadership has decided to continue our Give It Away campaign! This past Easter, our church took up a Resurrection Seed Offering with the intention of giving away every penny that we received.

On May 21st, 2023, we will have ONE SERVICE at 10am and we plan to “Give It Away” on that day and bless as many organizations and people as we possibly can.

Although we have set a goal of $50,000 we believe God is more than able to help us go above and beyond and give away even more. We hope to help churches that may need repairs or equipment, non-profit organizations that are changing lives in our community as well as help individuals and families that may have a need.

If you are interested in financially supporting this campaign but have questions, please feel free to send a message here or call our office.

If you feel led to support this campaign, please use our “Give Online” option on our website to give online safely and securely. Be sure to select “Give It Away Campaign” as your fund when given the option. 100% of funds collected through this campaign will be used to bless other churches, non-profit organizations, families, and individuals.


If you have or know of a need that you would like to be considered, please use this form.

Please know that while it is our heart to bless as many people as possible with this campaign, we will only be able to help a few organizations, families and individuals. We will not be accepting any solicitations over the phone. If you feel you have a need that should be considered, please send it through this form.

Although our pastors will be involved in the process, we have formed a team of volunteers from GWC that will be deciding how all funds will be allocated for this campaign.

Due to the overwhelming amount of messages we are receiving for this campaign, we will not be able to respond to all inquiries. If our team feels led to learn more about your specific recommendation or need, we will reach out to you through the information you provide in this form. We ask that you do not call to ask if our team has reviewed your message. They will be given every message that comes through this site.